What We Do

The Pastor’s Friend . . . Challenging & Encouraging
One Another To Be All That God Intends.

A Church Mentoring & Resource Ministry
What we provide . . .

  1. Pulpit Supply – Bible centered, consistent challenge and encouragement
  2. Prayer support and encouragement
  3. Ideas to help you development Purpose, Focus and Goals – define and implement Planning with the leadership team – seeking and doing God’s will for the body; Development of your leadership team
  4. Tools to help develop unity – centered on the Divine and defined purpose of the local church.
  5. Help in establishing specific direction for the future – there are no solutions written in stone. We will ask the difficult questions and seek God’s answers.
  6. Help determine if your church is healthy:
    1. List strengths and weaknesses
    2. Administer spiritual health quiz & together analyze results
    3. Seek specific direction / Budget development
  7. Assistance in helping each individual find and use his/her spiritual gift(s)
  8. Key areas that we emphasize: The right spiritual climate
    1. A Positive, joyful atmosphere
    2. Trust – in the God ordained leadership
    3. Excellence – do a few things and do them well, then develop other ministries
    4. Outreach to the lost – Matthew 28:19,20; Help you develop specific outreach tools to reach the lost and build relationships in your community.
    5. Flexibility (be open to change and growth) – Change and grow or die.
    6. A serving spirit – Meeting the needs of those within the body and then reaching out.


“Programs” seldom if ever produce the spiritual dynamic necessary for growth. The right spiritual climate provides the proper environment for healthy growth. The passion to know God is the fertile soil for growth.